Take your book design to the next level

You might have come across the famous idiom “Don’t judge a book by its cover,” but despite how true it might be in an real life situation, the reality of the book industry is that most people indeed use a book cover as a deciding factor not only whether they should buy the book but also if they will enjoy it as well.

It’s obvious to think that the well-written books are the most popular, but we all know that has never been true. With over one million books being published every year, readers are never going to find your masterpiece unless you find a way to break through the clutter, get people’s attention, and convince them to crack open your book and start reading.

Book Cover Design

A well-designed cover is the first assurance that the book is of a high quality, both in content and delivery. The cover can drive customers away or lure them in.

As an author you need to see a book cover as an important tool – not just to service its original purpose, which is to protect and bind the pages of a book.


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